Laser scanning of Kulparkivskyi Bridge

Laserscanning of Kulparkivskyi Bridge Lviv,Ukraine
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Job description

Laserscanning of Kulparkivskyi Bridge Lviv,Ukraine
  • SERVICE: LiDAR scanning
  • TASK: 3D laser scanning of the object, namely the T1416 overpass over the railway track, and the creation of its BIM-model
  • OBJECTIVES: to obtain dimensional drawings of inaccessible elements of the bridge necessary for its reconstruction
  • COMPLEXITY: inaccessibility of the upper elements of the structure for roulette measurements and the emergency condition of the bridge section to be scanned


  • laserscanning – 1 day
  • digitalization- 4 days

Laserscanning of Kulparkivskyi Bridge Lviv,Ukraine


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    Devonshire str., 41, Ground Floor, London W1G 7AJ, UK


    Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Kaupmehe tn 7-120, 10114, Estonia


    Ukraine, Lviv, Sadova street, 2a/1
    +380672088520 Ievgen Lavrishko