Classification and build

Classification and build a DEM, DSM, DMT, TIN
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Job description

Classification and build a DEM, DSM, DMT, TIN

First of all was ML processing data and after we done a manual classification data

  • Service: Laser Scanning Services
  • Spent time: 6141 hours
  • Processing volume: 2695 km2
  • Software: Bentley MicroStation – Terra solid

Classification and build a DEM, DSM, DMT, TIN



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    United Kingdom

    Devonshire str., 41, Ground Floor, London W1G 7AJ, UK


    Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Kaupmehe tn 7-120, 10114, Estonia


    Ukraine, Lviv, Sadova street, 2a/1
    +380672088520 Ievgen Lavrishko